Connie  |  Mar 22, 2020

This hearty, flavourful stew is an ideal dish to get you through numerous plantbased meals in the current lockdown. Make it in bulk and stockpile a number of servings in the freezer. It's packed with beans and chickpeas which are high in protein, fiber, slow-burning carbs, and minerals like iron. The chilies, avocados, and coriander up the antioxidants and healthy oils. All together, these nutrients will help keep positive energy levels high, during the challenging times of social distancing. 

Nutrition tip: Legumes can be hard to digest if you're not used to them and don't have the right bacteria in your gut yet. Therefore eat legumes regularly and increase the amount of beans, peas and lentils slowly to get used to them and try to start with a pureed form such as hummus or soups. A good way to make them more digestible is also by soaking them over night in water  and to add some fennel seeds while cooking.  Cumin also helps with digestion, therefore always add some to your legume recipes. 

Make a big batch of this and freeze!


Ingredients stew: (serves 8)

2 medium onion, peeled and finely diced (optional if you can’t eat onions)

1 big glove garlic, finely chopped

approx. 15 small green very mild chilies, (or 1 pepper, washed deseeded and cut in about 1cm chunks and 2 long red chillis (about 10 cm long, medium heat; deseeded, finely sliced)

optional: 3 stalks of celery finely chopped

1/2 heaped tsp chilli flakes or powder (more or less depending on how hot you want it)

1 1/2 heaped tsp ground cumin

1 level tsp. cinnamon

3 Tbsp. of Connie’s Kitchen Ketchup (or 1 level Tbsp. brown sugar or date powder)

2 tins best quality chopped tomatoes or tomato passata (about 800g)*

1 tin chick peas 400g (drained, or 200g dried)*

1 tin kindey beans or borlotti 400g  (drained, or 200g dried)*

1 tin small white beans 400g (e.g. cannellini, drained or 200g dried)*

about 400ml of high quality vegetable or chicken bouillon, more if too thick

2 Tbsp. balsamic vinegar

salt and pepper to taste

To serve:

20g Coriander or Parsley (finely chop stems of coriander and put it into the stew)

Greek  yoghurt (or vegan equivalent) about 250g

Lime wedges

Fresh crusty white bread or basmati rice



Ingredients Guacamole

Mix all ingredients:

2 ripe avocado (peeled and mushed up with a fork)

2 level tsp. of finely chopped onion

juice of 1 lime 

15g of Coriander roughly chopped (stems can be used, chopped very finely)

flaky sea salt (approx. 1/2 tsp.) and pepper to taste

optional: 4 cherry tomatoes finely chopped



1.Heat 2 Tbsp rapeseed oil (or olive oil) in a big saucepan over medium heat. Cook onion and celery stirring once in a while, until softened 8–10 minutes.

2.Add garlic, and seasonings (cumin, chilli flakes, cinnamon, nutmeg), stirring, for  about 2 minutes until fragrant.

3.Add  all the other ingredients (except balsamic vinegar) and cook for about 30mins on a small flame. Stir regularly.

4.Add balsamic vinegar and season to taste. It is important that the sweet and salty level are balanced.

5.Serve with a dollop of yoghurt or sour cream, guacamole, a lime wedge and sprinkle with plenty of parsley or coriander.


- This can be prepared a few days in advance and kept in the fridge (up to 3 days) or it also freezes very well (up to 3 months).  It actually tastes better once it is heated up a second time.

-If you use dried beans and chick peas, soak over night. Drain the water and fill up with fresh water. Cook for about 1 h or use a pressure cooker which is faster. Also cook a double or triple batch and freeze the left over legumes for other dishes.

-Use some of the cooking water from the beans for the stew, it adds great flavour.



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