Connie  |  Mar 26, 2020

I love multiple textures in my food. These nuggets (without the chicken) are crunchy and crispy on the outside, and deliciously soft and tender on the inside thanks to slow-marinaded tofu. It's a fabulous dish in which to involve the kids - especially in our current Stay Home reality. Round up the trouble-makers, wash the hands, don the aprons, and get your batter & crunchy flake assembly line up and running. Serve with wholegrain rice, a big bowl of salad and freshly cut veggies. En Guete!

Ingredients (4-6 portions)

400g regular Tofu (cut in 0.5-1cm thick slices). Marinate for at least 3hours. For best results marinade overnight in the fridge.


3 heaped Tbsp Connie's Kitchen Bio-Ketchup

1 heaped Tbsp mustard (Dijon is good)

4 level Tbsp soy-sauce

1 heaped Tsp curry madras

1 level Tsp sea salt

Mix all ingredients in a sealable container that is big enough for all the tofu and marinate tofu pieces.


100g whole grain or white flour

1 egg and 2 Tbsp of (fizzy) water whisked together; for a vegan recipe: replace eggs with 4 tbsp soy milk mixes with 1 tsp corn starch (Maizena)

250g cornflakes (crushed into smaller pieces in a bowl covered with a tea towel).

Recipe Crispy Family Goodness Every day Ketchup



1. Cover the tofu first in flour (shake off well), then put in the egg (or soy-milk -maizena mix) and lastly in the cornflakes (press the cornflakes well on).

2. Add olive oil (or rapeseed oil) to a  medium size frying pan (about 1/2cm high), and heat up (medium temperature).

3. Once hot add the tofu pieces and fry for about 5 mins until golden brown, then turn and fry another 3-4 mins.

4. Take them out and put on kitchen paper to get rid of most of the oil. Serve warm with plenty of green salad or other veggies, whole grain rice and a dollop of Connie's Kitchen Bio-Ketchup or a spicy fruit chutney.

    Fruit chutney 

    2 sweet apples (peeled, chopped in 1/2cm cubes)

    100g dried apricots (diced in 1/2 cm cubes)

    50g fresh ginger (finely grated)

    150g  raisins

    1/2 tsp cayenne pepper

    8 Tbsp Water (more as needed)

    1 pinch of salt


    1. Mix all ingredients in a small pot and bring to a simmer.

    2. Simmer for about 30mins, then puree just a little bit, mostly to get the raisins broken up.

    3. Let cool out and fill into 3 -4 small glass jars.

    4. Keeps in the fridge for at least 1 week. In the freezer for at least 3 months.

       Crispy Tofu Healthy Family Cooking Recipe with Ketchup

      Connie's Cuisine
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