Connie  |  Jan 29, 2021

Falafel are a very tasty and healthy chick-pea (and or fava bean) based dish that everyone in our family loves. My favourite way of enjoying them is with a simple seasonal salad and some fresh yoghurt on the side. 

There is many different ways to make Falafel, in this recipe I wanted to up the protein and thus replaced some of the chick-peas with Edamame (soy-beans). I also baked them in the oven for a change, which was really nice too. They don't get to the same level of crispy-ness but are still very delicious (minus the oil-smells in the house :-)

INGREDIENTS (24 pieces, 4 - 5 portions)

200g dried chickpeas, soaked for 24 hours (canned ones don't work)

100g Edamame (frozen soy-beans, thawed, (ideally locally grown ones))

1 medium onion (80g) roughly chopped

3 cloves of garlic, finely chopped 


Spices dried:

Cumin ground (2 Tsp.)

Coriander ground (1 Tsp.)

Cinnamon ground (¼  tsp)

Pepper, freshly ground (about ½ Tsp.)

Salt (1 Tsp)

optional: Ginger, Allspice (piment) (¼ tsp of each)

Baking powder (1/2 level tsp.)


Fresh herbs:

20g parsley (roughly chopped, incl. soft stems)

30g coriander, roughly chopped (incl. soft stems)



1.Drain the chickpeas and dry on a tea-towel

2.In a food processor, combine ¾ of the chickpeas and all other ingredients, except fresh herbs, in a food processor

3.Mix until well combined (rough paste)

4.Add the rest of the chick peas and the herbs and mix until chopped and well combined. The chickpeas should still be a bit lumpy

5.Let rest in the fridge for 30mins

6.Put 5 Tbsp. of olive oil on a baking tray, put it in the oven and preheat at 200°C

7.Make small Falafel patties (about 4-5 cm, 1.5 cm high), and roll in sesame seeds

8.Put the Falafel on the hot tray and bake for about 25 mins, turn them half way through.

9.Serve with a mixed salad and some natural or seasoned yoghurt!



Yoghurt – Lime mix:

200g nature Yoghurt (plant based NewRoots is amazing)

Lime zest of 1 lime

Lime juice of ½ lime


Yoghurt - Tahini  mix

5 Tbsp. Tahini

4 Tbsp. Yoghurt (plant based NewRoots is amazing)

2-3 tbsp Lemon Juice and zest of ½ lemon

Water to adjust creaminess


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